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· · The effect that pop has on your body! SUBSCRIBE! http:// Epic Science Playlist: Written by Rachel. The Hill Sphere. It is greatly desired that satellites and space stations stay in stable orbits, because corporations and insurance companies become quite angry if. The best site to search for east London is adultwork but be careful because most of the girls will make a booking, then you will go to them and only if they are free. Help and advice for North Devon Journal - Looking Back If you have found a problem on this page then please report it on the following form. We will then do our best.

Jeffrey Sinclair The Babylon Project. Jeffrey David Sinclair. Date of Death“"To be with him was to have the strangest feeling, as though he were only visiting this life and did not want to be overly burdened by it."– Rathenn to Delenn, 2. Jeffrey Sinclair was the original commander of Babylon 5.

Prior to Babylon 5. Edit. Early life. Edit. Jeffrey Sinclair was born on Mars on May 3, 2. David Sinclair, and a Professor of North American literature, Gemma Gildea Sinclair. Jeffrey also had a brother, Malcolm.

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His father flew for Earthforce during the Dilgar War and was eventually killed during the conflict, though not before being present at the liberation of Balos. According to Jeffery, his father never forgot what he saw there.[1][4][5]Members of the Sinclair family had been fighter pilots dating all the way back to the Battle of Britain. He was close to his grandfather, whom he later credited with teaching him everything he knew about flying.

His grandfather also explained to him the importance of ignoring propaganda and to "focus on what he can see."[6]Following the death of his father, Jeffrey attended a Jesuit school, run by Father Raffelli and his wife, both of whom were priests. The couple would become lifelong friends of Jeff's until their deaths in the mid 2. While at the school, Sinclair learned to appreciate mornings, getting up at sunrise for Mass followed by an hour of meditation before class.[7]Though he never intended to join the religious life, Sinclair maintained a faith in God throughout his life, though he once told Marcus Cole that he was "still working out the details".

All he ever wanted was to be a fighter pilot, like his dad. Though he was 'Mars- Born', he spent as much time growing up on Earth as he did on Mars and held a deep fondness for both worlds and their peoples.[4]After leaving school, Sinclair spent two years travelling, working construction and other odd jobs before finally enlisting in Earthforce Academy.[4]Early career. Edit. Sinclair enlisted in Earthforce in 2. During his first year at Earthforce Academy, Sinclair met John Sheridan for the first time when he made the unfortunate mistake of getting his attention by spilling a tray of food on him. Since Sheridan was a dutiful upperclassman, he decided to spend as much time as possible making Sinclair's first year a living hell.[4]. In 2. 24. 0, Jeffrey was promoted to fighter pilot and less than a year later, was promoted to squadron leader; due to his rapid rise through the ranks it was rumored that Sinclair was on the fast track to making Admiral.[1].

In 2. 24. 3 Sinclair was serving as a flight instructor at the Academy when he met Cadet Catherine Sakai while she was in her second year. During her first instruction flight with Sinclair, he almost made her black out after he performed a hairpin backward loop followed by a spinning barrel roll. She would later admit to herself that it was love at first sight. This was the beginning of a 1. After the Earth- Minbari War ended in 2. Sakai left Earthforce for a life as an professional planetary surveyor and independent contractor. The Battle of the Line.

Edit“"The best way to understand someone is to fight him, make him angry. That's when you see the real person."– Sinclair. As squadron leader, Sinclair fought at the Battle of the Line, the last major battle in the Earth- Minbari War.

During the course of the battle, his squadron was destroyed by the Minbari in mere minutes, resulting in the death of many friends (including Bill Mitchell). Sinclair's own fighter was badly damaged, rendering the weapons disabled and engines failing. In a last act of defiance, Sinclair attempted to ram one of the Minbari cruisers. Something passed in front of his eyes and he apparently blacked out. When he awoke 2. 4 hours later the war was over; the Minbari had surrendered. The surviving Earth instruments showed his ship "missing" for a whole day, but it was officially ruled an instrument malfunction. Sinclair wondered what happened to him in those missing 2.

Captured on the Line. The truth of why the Minbari surrendered became clearer over time.

Sinclair's ship had been disabled and brought aboard the Minbari capital ship containing the Grey Council. Sinclair was briefly tortured for information before the Grey Council used the triluminary on him, leading to a shocking discovery—Sinclair (they believed) had a Minbari soul, that of Valen himself. Delenn interpreted this as a sign that the humans had an important part to play in the coming Shadow war. During his interrogations by the Council, Sinclair saw Delenn, although he did not know her at that time. The Minbari used a telepath to suppress his memories of the entire event.[1][8][9]Sinclair's medal. Sinclair was one of about 2.

Battle, which claimed over 2. He was awarded a special medal in recognition for service on the Line, but he rarely spoke about the event in the immediate years following, as he could not rationalize why the Minbari would surrender—and why he had survived. Martian Adventure.

Edit. In 2. 25. 1, Lieutenant Commander Sinclair was stationed on Mars during the Martian Food Riots. In the midst of the violence, Sinclair was cut off from his unit and alone when he came upon a fellow Earthforce officer trying to fight off four rioters on his own in an alleyway, and came to his assistance.

The two of them were able to drive off the rioters and it was only when the dust settled that the two recognised each other. The other officer was none other than Sinclair's old Academy nemesis Commander. John Sheridan. Sheridan said he knew a bar that would be safe and they could call to check in with their respective bases. They did so and while taking shelter until the trouble outside subsided the pair got to talking, finally getting to know each other. Sinclair discovered that despite his initial dislike for Sheridan, he was a pretty decent man who even apologized (just a little) for his behavior at the Academy.

Many years later, Sinclair would say that Sheridan was not the jarhead some made him out to be, and was pleased when he found out who had taken his position on Babylon 5, stating that Sheridan would not be the puppet that Clark would hope for.[4]In 2. Sinclair was sent to Mars to investigate reports of human- alien collusion. When he arrived, he first met Michael Garibaldi, a shuttle pilot at the time.

Garibaldi flew Sinclair and two young officers, Sanchez and Foster, over the surface, searching for something. Following orders, Sinclair refused to tell Garibaldi what they were looking for, and even filed fake flight plans so nobody else would know where they were. On the fifth day of searching, the ship's navigational systems and inertial dampers suddenly went offline.

Garibaldi managed to crash- land the ship: Sanchez's leg was broken and Foster did not survive. Sinclair and Garibaldi went to get help, a fifty- mile trek across the surface. They had not gone far when Sanchez linked in to report that all the ship's systems had suddenly started working again—evidence that Garibaldi was not at fault for the crash. Sanchez also reported a dust storm on the ship's scanners, prompting Sinclair and Garibaldi to seek shelter in a nearby cave.[1.

With only five days of air and food, the wait was long and hard. Sinclair managed to maintain radio contact with Sanchez. Unknown to Sinclair, Michael had some alcohol with him, and after having a few drinks, wandered off. When Sinclair realized he was missing, he headed to the mouth of the cave to look for him, only to have the mouth of the cave collapse.

He was knocked unconscious and left half buried by the rocks just outside the cave's entrance. Sanchez realized something had happened and linked Garibaldi, who came back and rescued Sinclair from the rubble. As soon as Sinclair came to, he wrestled Garibaldi to the ground, threatening to kill him if he ever did something as stupid as wandering off again.

Space Stations - Atomic Rockets. Many, but not all, space stations are in orbit around a planet. An orbit is a clever way to constantly fall towards a planet but never hit the ground. There are certain preferred orbits. An equatorial orbit is a non- inclined orbit with respect to Terra's equator (i. Most civilian satellites use such orbits. The United States uses Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and the Kennedy Space Center to launch into equatorial orbits.

An ecliptic orbit is a non- inclined orbit with respect to the solar system ecliptic. An inclined orbit is any orbit that does not have zero inclination to the plane or reference (usually the equator). A polar orbit is a special inclined orbit that goes over each pole of the planet in turn, as the planet spins below (i. Heinlein calls it a "ball of twine" orbit since the path of the station resembles winding string around a string ball. The advantage is that the orbit will eventually pass over every part of the planet, unlike other orbits. Such an orbit is generally used for military spy satellites, weather satellites, orbital bombardment weapons, and Google Earth.

The United States uses Vandenberg Air Force Base to launch into polar orbits. Google Earth uses data from the Landsat program, whose satellites are launched from Vandenberg. The Hill Sphere. It is greatly desired that satellites and space stations stay in stable orbits, because corporations and insurance companies become quite angry if hundred million dollar satellites or expensive space stations with lots of people are gravitationally booted into The Big Dark. A good first approximation is ensuring that the orbiting object stays inside the parent's Hill Sphere. This is an imaginary sphere centered on the parent planet (the planet or moon the satellite is orbiting). Within the sphere, the planet's gravity dominates any satellites.

For first approximation you have three players: the space station (e. Supra- New York), the planet or moon it is orbiting (e. Terra), and the object the planet is orbiting (e. Sol) otherwise known as the planet's "primary". The point is that Sol cannot gravitationally capture Supra- New York as long as all of the space station's orbit is inside Terra's Hill Sphere.

You can calculate the approximate radius of a planet's Hill Sphere with the following equation: r ≈ a * cbrt( m / (3 * M) )where. Watch Ron White: Behavioral Problems Online Facebook more. Radius of Hill Sphere (kilometers)a = Distance between the planet and its primary (kilometers)m = mass of the planet (kilograms)M = mass of the primary (kilograms)cbrt(x) = cube root of x (the ∛x key on your calculator)Actually you can use any desired unit of distance for r and aas long as you use the same for both. The same goes for units of mass for m and M.

This equation assumes that the planet is in a near- circular orbit. If it has some weird eccentric orbit the Hill Sphere link has the more complicated equation. The above equation also assumes that the mass of the station or sattelite is miniscule compared to the object it is orbiting. It further assumes that the mass of the primary is quite a bit bigger than the mass of the planet.

In practice, for long term stability, the station should not orbit its planet further than one- half the Hill sphere radius. No further than one- third the Hill sphere radius if you are ultra- cautious. EXAMPLEWhat is the Hill sphere radius of Terra? In this case, the planet is Terra, the primary is Sol, the mass of Terra (m) is 5.

Sol (M) is 1. 9. 9×1. Terra and Sol (a) is 1.

M) )r ≈ 1. 49,6. 00,0. So the ultimate Hill sphere radius is 1.

Terra's center. Luna is at 0. Hill sphere. The implication is that all of Terra's stable satellites have an orbital period of less than seven months. Supra- New York would do well to stay inside.

The long term stable radius is 0. Terra's center (1/2 Hill sphere). The ultra- cautious radius is 0. Hill sphere). If you were interested in Lunar satellites, the planet would be Luna, the primary would be Terra, and a would be the distance between Terra and Luna. Any object (like a spaceship) which enters a planet's Hill sphere but does not have enough energy to escape, will tend to start orbiting the planet. The surface of the Hill sphere is sometimes called the "zero- velocity surface" for complicated reasons.

When launching from Terra, say a space station resupply cargo rocket, you want to launch due East to get the free delta V boost from Terra's rotation. So one would have expected that the International Space Station (ISS) would be in a 2.

East of Kennedy Space Center (latitude 2. N). But it isn't, the ISS is in a 5. Why? So that Russian cargo rockets from Baikonur Cosmodrome can reach it. Launching into a different inclination than the space port's latitude costs rocket propellant and reduces payload.

Changing the ISS planned inclination to 5. When NASA stupidly cancelled the Space Shuttle program before the replacement vehicle was online, they assured everybody that the replacement would be flying by 2. Dying Young Movie Watch Online. This would make a small three- year gap in NASA's ISS transport ability. Unfortunately and predictably when 2. NASA has not even started work on deciding which of the many proposals will be used, much less bending metal and cranking out functional rockets.

This leaves NASA at the mercy of the Russians for access to the ISS, but without the Russians there would be no access at all and the station would have long ago burnt up in reentry like Skylab. But I digress. Clever readers will say but wait!

Baikonur Cosmodrome is at latitude 4. In a perfect world, yes, but there is a problem. When a spacecraft is launched from Kennedy Space Center the lower stages fall into the Atlantic Ocean. And if something goes really wrong, the entire spacecraft can abort and ditch into the ocean as well.

If Baikonur Cosmodrome did the same thing, large spent lower stage boosters and/or huge flaming aborting Russian spacecraft would crash into Mainland China, and the political situation would rapidly deteriorate. To avoid that unhappy state of affairs, Russian spacecraft launched from Baikonur go at a 5. China. The Russians already have an annoying problem with the lack of warm- water ports for seagoing vessels. They really dislike having much the same problem with respect to space launches. Therefore they are in negotiations for launch privileges at the ESA's. Guiana Space Centre, which is optimally located quite near the Equator and to the West of the Atlantic Ocean.

Orbits around Terra (geocentric) are sometimes classified by altitude above Terra's surface: Low Earth Orbit (LEO): 1. At 1. 60 km one revolution takes about 9. Affected by inner Van Allen radiation belt.

Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): 2,0. Also known as "intermediate circular orbit." Commonly used by satellites that are for navigation (such as Global Positioning System aka GPS), communication, and geodetic/space environment science.

The most common altitude is 2. Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO): exactly 3. The Slap Tv Series Online. Terra (4. 2,1. 64 km from center of Terra). One revolution takes one sidereal day, coinciding with the rotational period of Terra.

Circular orbital speed is about 3 km/s. It is jam- packed with communication satellites like sardines in a can. This orbit is affected by the outer Van Allen radiation belt. High Earth Orbit (HEO): anything with an apogee higher than 3. If the perigee is less than 2,0. Lunar Orbit: Luna's orbit around Terra has a pericenter of 3. Geosynchronous Orbits (aka "Clarke orbits", named after Sir Arthur C.

Clarke) are desirable orbits for communication and spy satellites because they return to the same position over the planet after a period of one sidereal day (for Terra that is about four minutes short of one ordinary day). A Geostationary Orbit is a special kind of geosynchronous orbit that is even more desirable for such satellites. In those orbits, the satellite always stays put over one spot on Terra like it was atop a 3. For complicated reasons all geostationary orbits have to be over the equator of the planet.