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Watch Alexandra`S Project OnlineWatch Alexandra`S Project Online

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Our Team. Harvey Rosenfield, Founder. As Consumer Watchdog's founder, Harvey Rosenfield is one of the nation's foremost consumer advocates. Trained as a public.

Our Team Consumer Watchdog. Watch Pocahontas Online Fandango on this page. Our Team. Harvey Rosenfield, Founder. As Consumer Watchdog's founder, Harvey Rosenfield is one of the nation's foremost consumer advocates. Trained as a public interest lawyer, Rosenfield authored Proposition 1. California voters in 1. He has co- authored groundbreaking initiatives on HMO reform and utility rate deregulation (Proposition 9, 1.

Rosenfield is the author of the book, Silent Violence, Silent Death: The Hidden Epidemic of Medical Malpractice. Rosenfield, who established Consumer Watchdog in 1. Federal Trade Commission, the U.

S. Congress, in private practice, as a staff attorney for Ralph Nader's Public Citizen Congress Watch and as the Program Director for the California Public Interest Research Group (Cal. PIRG). Rosenfield graduated magna cum laude from Amherst College and obtained a joint Law and Masters degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. Jamie Court, President. Consumer Watchdog's President and Chairman of the Board is an award- winning and nationally recognized consumer advocate. Capitol Weekly, naming Jamie to its 2. Top 1. 00" list of unelected movers and shakers in California politics, wrote, "Court has made a career of battling all comers in the interest of the public, and his take- no- prisoners approach has earned him plenty of enemies."Jamie’s latest book is The Progressive's Guide To Raising Hell: How To Win Grassroots Campaigns, Pass Ballot Box Laws And Get The Change You Voted For (Chelsea Green, 2. Americans angry about the state of their government might find in Court's persuasive manifesto a cause for action," Publishers Weekly writes.

With great accessibility and a fired- up attitude, Court brings his lessons in empowerment to the people." He is also the author of Corporateering: How Corporate Power Steals Your Freedom And What You Can Do About It(Tarcher Putnam, 2. Making A Killing: HMOs and the Threat To Your Health (Common Courage Press, 1. Jamie has led dozens of major corporate and political campaigns to reform insurers, banks, technology companies, oil companies, utilities and political practices. He helped to pioneer the HMO patients' rights movement in the United States, sponsoring successful laws in California and aiding them elsewhere, and was an early champion of many of the most important consumer protections in the federal Affordable Care Act years before they were enacted. He authored the health insurance rate regulation reform Proposition 4. November 2. 01. 4 California ballot.

A frequent media commentator and op- ed contributor, Jamie is a high- profile and stalwart defender of consumers’ rights.  The Los Angeles Times calls him "a tireless consumer advocate." The Wall Street Journal writes, "He's notorious for his dramatic, sharp- tongued attacks on the health- and auto- insurance industries, and on any politician who takes their campaign cash."His public interest career began as an advocate for the homeless and as a community organizer. Jamie’s alma Mata is Pomona College, where he graduated with a BA in History in 1. Carmen Balber, Executive Director. Carmen Balber is Consumer Watchdog’s new executive director and returns to California after four years directing the group’s Washington, D. C. office. Balber leads Consumer Watchdog’s national health reform project, and is recognized as a leading expert on a wide range of insurance issues. In 2. 01. 2, she managed the coalition effort to defeat a $1. Her advocacy work includes consumer issues ranging from medical malpractice and the civil justice system, to personal privacy, corporate accountability and the influence of money in politics.

She has authored or co- authored numerous reports on the auto, health and medical malpractice insurance industries, and insurance rate regulation. Balber is a consistent critic of politicians who skirt campaign and ethics laws. Her exposure of corporate funding for exotic overseas junkets led to new rules on politicians’ travel and luxury spending.

Balber ran the campaigns to pass the nation’s strongest conflict of interest protections in five cities across California and coordinated citizen organizing efforts in Consumer Watchdog’s successful grassroots campaign to block a legislative utility bailout in 2. Sacramento. Before joining Consumer Watchdog, Balber served as Assistant Canvass Director for the Colorado Public Interest Research Group (COPIRG). She holds a B. A.

Politics from Pomona College. Pamela Pressley, Senior Staff Attorney.

Pamela Pressley has headed up Consumer Watchdog's regulatory efforts since 1. Pressley has served as lead counsel in challenges to insurance industry rate hike proposals resulting in savings to California policyholders of $1.

Additionally, Pressley has led Consumer Watchdog's efforts to enforce Proposition 1. California insurance policyholders against discriminatory practices and premium overcharges, including through rulemaking proceedings before the California Department of Insurance and court actions. Pressley has also authored numerous appellate briefs and presented oral argument in cases seeking to enforce Proposition 1. California’s consumer protection laws. She prosecuted an enforcement action against Mercury for its practice of charging illegal brokers fees that led to the company being fined $2. California. She also litigated a court action against the Department of Managed Health Care, resulting in a court order requiring the agency to ensure health care plans cover medically necessary treatment for autism. In May, 2. 01. 0, Pressley was named as one of the top women litigators in California by the Daily Journal.

Pressley received her B. A. in Sociology from UCLA and her J. D. from Pepperdine University School of Law. Before joining Consumer Watchdog, Pressley worked for CALPIRG as its Consumer Attorney and as a staff attorney for the Center for Law in the Public Interest, a non- profit, public interest law firm specializing in consumer, environmental, and civil rights advocacy and litigation. Jerry Flanagan, Litigation Director. Jerry Flanagan is Consumer Watchdog's Litigation Director.  Flanagan leads Consumer Watchdog’s litigation efforts in the areas of health insurance coverage and access to treatments. He has over 2. 0 years experience working in public interest and health care policy, legislation and litigation.  Flanagan was admitted to the California Bar in 2.