My Candy Love Episode 9 Illustrations


My Candy Love Episode 9 Illustrations

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Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Episode 1 by Javabeans. Moonlight Drawn By Clouds is basically cuteness overload. Its not your grandpas sageuk, or even your mother. Cutie Mark Crusaders. Their unity is based on mostly being called. Each of the founding three fillies represents a different race, with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle being an Earth pony, a Pegasus, and a unicorn respectively. Illustration-Episode18-Nathaniel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140711213141' alt='My Candy Love Episode 9 Illustrations' title='My Candy Love Episode 9 Illustrations' />My Candy Love Episode 9 IllustrationsAs of right now, Star Wars is officially 40 years old. Which is itself amazing in that I bet a lot of people are feeling very old right now. Equally amazing is just. Starting at the end of One Bad Apple, Babs Seed, Apple Blooms cousin from Manehattan, joins them and says she will start a Manehattan branch of the CMC. In Micro Series Issue 7, a Greater Equestrian Mimicker Globulus Improbulus to whom Scootaloo gives the name. In Friends Forever Issue 2, the Crusaders accept Discord as an honorary member. My Candy Love, first released in France as Amour Sucr, is an otome game visual novel for Internet browsers. The game was designed by Chinomiko, and published by Beemoov. Browse self published books. Buy, sell and share photography books, wedding albums, portfolios and more. Find self published books as unique as you. The exploits of the Cutie Mark Crusaders are featured in several episodes in the series. Although the three fillies only introduce themselves to each other in Call of the Cutie, the three make an appearance together in Friendship is Magic, part 1 huddling under a table in fear of Nightmare Moon. According to a layout artist, the scene was originally story boarded with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, but he was sent different characters for the shot. The artist assumed the different characters were sent by mistake, and used the Cutie Mark Crusaders instead. Sweetie Belle suggests they found a. They each propose a name for it and Apple Blooms suggestionCutie Mark Crusadersis approved by everyone. The term Crusade refers to any military expedition undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 1. Levant and convert the Baltics, though it is commonly used as a metaphor meaning a vigorous movement for or against something. The society is not kept a secret, as the Crusaders later come to sing about it at a talent contest and often shout out the name of their group. The clubs purpose is to. Initially the clubhouse is dilapidated, but Apple Bloom fully repairs it and the clubhouse becomes their headquarters. Oh, yes, here. You are solemnly sworn in, here this day, in witness of your fellow sisters, friends, confidantes. The Crusaders pursue various activities to discover their special talents. They briefly try carpentry and chicken herding in Stare Master, and feature in a montage of pig farming, taffy making, hairdressing, mind reading, mountain climbing, and underwater exploring in The Show Stoppers. Right after the montage, the three make a mess in Twilights library in pursuit of a librarian cutie mark. Twilight enters with Cheerilee, who suggests the Crusaders appear in a talent show. The fillies excitedly suggest juggling, acting, magic tricks, square dancing, tightrope walking, and tiger taming, but Twilight advises them to try things theyre already good at. They concur, but throughout the series they seem oblivious to their innate talents. The Crusaders insistence on pursuing different activities seems to come from Rainbow Dash in Call of the Cutie, who suggests. The first is designed to look like a pumpkin, the second a golden apple. They build these in one of Sweet Apple Acres barns. Similarly, for the Summer Wrap Up Festival in comic issues 9 and 1. Sweet Apple Acres, and giving Fleetfoot a concussion. According to Big Mc. Intoshs scrapbook at the end of issue 1. Most Destructive award for this. This job was originally given to Spike. Sky diving Just for Sidekicks This is to be achieved by jumping off a bridge into a river several feet below. Spike ushers them off to the Crystal Empire before they can attempt the jump. Flag carriers see Flight to the Finish. Acting For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils Sweetie Belle writes and directs a play just for her, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom, in which they star in the costumes, made by Sweetie Belle and perfected by Rarity, end up being the best part. Campaign managing Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Scootering On Your Marks. Harmonizing On Your Marks. Dentistry Friendship is Magic Issue 3 Mentioned by Apple Bloom while imprisoned by Queen Chrysalis. Sweetie Belle had apparently pulled a few ponies teeth thinking that theyd grow back. Filmmakers Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Crocheters Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Jugglers Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Accountants Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Architects Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Silversmiths Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Comickers Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Ninjas Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Tattoo artists Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Survivalists Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Editors Micro Series Issue 7 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Acrobats Micro Series Issue 7 Sweetie Belle offers this up as an excuse to Applejack after being catapulted over her apple stall. Parkour Friends Forever Issue 2 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Stand up comedy Friends Forever Issue 2 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Falconry Friends Forever Issue 2 Mentioned by Sweetie Belle as being a failed attempt. Ice skating Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance only Sweetie Belle is shown to have a knack for it. American football Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Lion taming Friends Forever Issue 2 Mentioned by the Crusaders as having already been attempted. Tightrope walking Friends Forever Issue 2 Mentioned by the Crusaders as having already been attempted. Firefighting Friends Forever Issue 2 Mentioned by the Crusaders as having already been attempted. Drag racing Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Space travel Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Giant robot piloting Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Art &Amp; Copy Movie Watch Online there. Piracy Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Being superheroes Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Cafe loitering Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Criminal investigation Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Epic adventuring Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. Playing tabletop games Friends Forever Issue 2 An attempt by the Crusaders with Discords assistance. One additional exchange from Stare Master has Apple Bloom and Scootaloo considering whether they could get their cutie marks in arguing. Another additional exchange from The Cutie Pox has Scootaloo joking about whether or not she could get her cutie mark in demolition. Since its first appearance in The Show Stoppers, the clubhouse has been seen in many episodes and used for different purposes, with furniture and equipment being added to suit the Crusaders needs. It has a wide open space, large enough to practice dance moves in The Show Stoppers, fit several ponies The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and create large arts and crafts Hearts and Hooves Day. It has multiple floors, joined by a staircase, and in some episodes an additional building higher up in its tree, connected via an outside ramp. While normally only occupied by the Crusaders, Scootaloo has previously used it to host the. Things seen and used in the clubhouse are. Map of Ponyville Scootaloo draws a basic map of Ponyville in The Show Stoppers, and it later appears pinned to the clubhouse wall. By the end of the episode, all of the key locations in it have been crossed out.